
Meet My Neighbor Monday

                                                                       Valorie and Josh 
The last two weeks in San Antonio have been a  whirlwind! I've unpacked, had a job interview, been job searching, worked on my resume, and sent out my resume. I have figured out were all the important places like Sonic, Target and church are. I have also been swimming, gone to my first Chi-Alpha meeting, and had a few dinners/lunches/coffees with new friends. The highlight though has been meeting some of the incredible people in this community. I've decided to feature one of my new "neighbors" ever Monday in Meet My Neighbor Monday.

This week's spotlight is on Valorie!
Valorie is the very first person I met in San Antonio when I rolled into town on August 3rd. She is also physically my closest neighbor as her bedroom is across the living room from mine. She is my new roommate! Valorie is sweet, thoughtful, and soft spoken. When I first arrived, she was waiting at our apartment ready to help me unpack my car. She has been so helpful in showing me around and introducing me to various people. Valorie moved to San Antonio a couple of years ago after going to school at Sam Houston State in Huntsville, TX. She moved here to attend nursing school and is now a nurse at a local hospital. She has been very involved in college ministry and loves spending time with the college aged girls form UTSA!

Tonight I made dinner for Valorie and her boyfriend, Josh. We also enjoyed a sampling of delicious cheescake for dessert and are now watching a sweet but cheesy movie called Letters from God.  I'm thankful to have already made great friends.

Our cheescake sampler. Delicious.


kristin fulghum said...

fun! so glad you've met some great people.

annalee said...

this is such a great idea! i'm glad you are doing it.
and so glad valorie is your roomie!